Interviews and articles quoting Cynthia Schoeman or Ethics Monitoring & Management Services
Ethics around people who misrepresent their qualification: What can be done?
Interviewed by Cathy Mohlahlana on The Talking Point on SAfm
26 January 2024
The Presidency has announced that President Cyril Ramaphosa has terminated the membership of Thabi Leoka from the Economic Advisory Council
Interviewed by Aldrin Sampear on Beyond The Headlines on SAfm
23 January 2024
Politically speaking, when does nepotism become a problem
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has become accused of nepotism after appointing his son as Deputy Finance Minister
Interviewed by Cathy Mohlahlana on SAfm Talking Point
13 September 2023
Fake CVs : ‘It’s an indication of society’s failing ethics’
Jeremy Maggs discussed the consequences of false CV claims with Cynthia Schoeman
Interviewed by Jeremy Maggs on Moneyweb@Midday on Moneyweb
19 June 2023
The implications of lying on your CV
With the country's staggering unemployment rate, job seekers sometimes get so desperate that they try to spice up their CVs to become more marketable. Lying about one's qualifications is tantamount to fraud.. MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, Cynthia Schoeman unpacks the implications of lying on one’s CV.
Interviewed by Xoli Mgnambi on Newzfeed on Newzroom Africa
16 June 2023
Corporate gifts: acceptable practice vs corruption
The giving and receiving of gifts is especially prevalent at this time of the year. This not only highlights the question of what is and is not acceptable and ethical, but also increases the potential for abuse.
Interviewed by Gugulethu Mfuphi on KAYA BIZ on KAYA FM
1 May 2023
Millions spent to keep ministers lights on
Discussing the issue of taxpayer money - around R7-million since June 2019 - being spent to keep power uninterrupted for ministers and their deputies. This was revealed by newly appointed Minister of Public Works, Sihle Zikalala, answering a question by DA MP Leon Schreiber.
Interviewed by Oliver Dickson on SAfm Talking Point
27 March 2023
PART 1: Offering or taking bribes
Interviewed by Allon Raiz on The Big Small Business Show, on Business Day TV
18 November 2022
PART 2: Determining ethical risks
Interviewed by Allon Raiz on The Big Small Business Show, on Business Day TV
18 November 2022
Global Ethics Day, World Kindness Day and International Anti-Corruption Day
Discussing ethics and the impact of these days
Interviewed by Chad Thomas on Confidential Brief, ChaiFM
3 October 2022
The status of ethics and the Ethics Practitioners’ Association
Interviewed by Chad Thomas on Confidential Brief, ChaiFM
22 August 2022
Ethical look at our justice system: Mani theft case
The sentencing of NSFAS student Sibongile Mani to five years in prison when she used NSFAS funds incorrectly transferred to her account
Interviewed by Cathy Mohlahlana on SAfm Talking Point
4 April 2022
What to do when your boss asks you to do something unethical or illegal
Clement speaks to Cynthia Schoeman, the Managing Director and Chief Ethics Activist at Ethics Monitoring & Management Services about how to navigate an illegal or unethical instruction from a superior. How do you navigate ethical dilemmas? Is the decision always a simple one?
Interviewed by Clement Manyathela on The Clement Manyathela Show on 702
1 February 2022
Top Ethics Trends 2021
Cynthia Schoeman, chairman of the Ethics Practitioners’ Association (EPA) and MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, and Dr Jacqui Poltera, an ethics specialist with international experience in the private, public, tertiary education and NGO sectors, discuss the key strategic issues and trends in the field of workplace ethics. The discussion supports both ethics practitioners and leaders, enabling them to consider these issues and to factor them into their organisation’s ethics strategy and planning as necessary.
Facilitated by Sarah Carmichael
15 March 2021
Coffee Chat with Cynthia Schoeman: The importance of workplace ethics
Interviewed by Margaret Hirsch on Morning Live with Margaret
19 February 2021
The ethics of skipping the vaccine queue
South African entrepreneur Johann Rupert's connection power of skipping the queue in receiving vaccine in Switzerland is not ethically right.
Interviewed by Bruce Whitfield on The Money Show on 702
22 January 2021
ICFP Panel Interviews
Ethics within a state of fraud and corruption ”the ethical advantage is reduced corruption” featuring Cynthia Schoeman & Athol Williams
30 November 2020
Workplace Ethics
Interviewed by Margaret Hirsch, Executive Director, Hirsch's Homestores on Morning Live with Margaret
14 July 2020
Watch on facebook....
USB Executive Development Faculty Focus: Cynthia Schoeman
USB-ED is fortunate to have access to more than 300 part-time faculty, consultants, business leaders and industry experts who facilitate on our programmes.
May 2020
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Ethics in the Private and Public Sector
Interviewed by Nickolaus Bauer on the Aubrey Masanga Show on 702
21 January 2020
Does SA have a CEO ethics crisis?
Cynthia Schoeman and Andrew Woodburn talks about the crisis amidst the business community in South Africa as the country’s top chief executives are stepping down from their posts.
Interviewed by Fifi Peters on Power Lunch, CNBC Africa
25 June 2019
Effective accounting of mineral receipts critical for Zim
Zimbabwe needs effective accounting systems of mineral earnings to stamp out alleged leakages that are prejudicing the economy millions of dollars yearly
Interviewed by ZBC (Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation) in Harare at the Zimbabwe Accountants Conference
7 April 2019
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Why Ethics Matters
Ethical transformation is critical. The first step is acknowledging ethics and values as important and making the decision to prioritise it above the bottom line. This has to come from the top.
Cynthia Schoeman was interviewed for Monique Verduyn’s article published in Accountancy South Africa
4 March 2019
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The ethics of business
Cynthia Schoeman was a jurist on Iman Rappetti’s new eNCA show, Madam Speaker, which addressed the crisis of ethics in business.
29 November 2018
What role should leaders play in managing ethics within a company?
Interviewed by Bongi Gwala on The Talking Point, SAfm
2 November 2018
Ethics, activism and no more Nene
Nhlanhla Nene's recent testimony at the Zondo Commission on State Capture which has ended in his resignation as finance minister, once again highlights the importance of ethics in leadership and reputational management. Cynthia Schoeman shares ethics insights about this saga.
Published on
10 October 2018
Bathabile Dlamini in the firing line
Exploring the Constitutional Court’s ruling as regards Bathabile Dlamini’s culpability in the SASSA saga
Interviewed by Nickolaus Bauer on PolitBureau, eNCA
30 September 2018
Wisdom Personified - An interview with Cynthia Schoeman
Interviewed by Dudu Msomi, CEO, Busara Leadership Partners
27 July 2018
Ethics, Racism and Racial Stereotyping
MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services Cynthia Schoeman believes that when considering racism and racial stereotyping within an ethical framework, most people already know what is right and wrong.
Interviewed by Panel discussion at GIBS Business School
28 June 2018
Nepotism in the workplace
Interviewed by Zingisa Chirwa on RISE fm in Sixty Minutes, RISE fm
12 February 2018
The Need for Ethics Activists
Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of RaizCorp speak with Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor during our monthly Ethics focus on the need for Ethics Activists
Interviewed by Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
8 January 2018
Wayne Duvenage on Ethics Activism
The panel, including Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor, speaks to Wayne Duvenage, Chairman of OUTA, on the role that OUTA has played as Ethics Activists in South Africa.
Interview by Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
8 January 2018
Ethical Decisions & Dilemmas
Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of Raizcorp speak with Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor during our monthly ethics focus on the topic of ethical decisions and dilemmas.
Interviewed by Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
27 November 2017
Be Heard
The panel, including Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor, speak to Brian Adams, Managing Director of Be Heard.
Interview by Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
27 November 2017
The Role of Ethics Training
Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of RaizCorp speak to Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor during their monthly ethics focus on the topic of the role of ethics training.
Interviewed by Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
23 October 2017
Dr Janette Minnaar
The panel, including Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor, speaks to Dr Janette Minnaar of ProEthics about the legal responsibilities of boards and executives in the context of international bribery legislation and responsibilities for ethics training.
Interview by Richard Angus and Leandi Streeter of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
23 October 2017
Corporate criminal liability and the importance of ethics in organisations
Managing Director of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, Cynthia Schoeman, unpacks the importance of attaining an ethical organisational culture.
Interviewed by Wits Radio Academy on Law Focus, aired on VOW FM Johannesburg, Alfred Nzo Community Radio Mt Ayliff, Eastern Cape, Fort Hare Fm Alice, Eastern Cape, ICORA FM Empangeni, Kwa-Zulu Natal, and Cut FM Bloemfontein.
23 October 2017
Five insights on acting ethically in your organisation
Media Update’s Adam Wakefield was at the latest Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa talk, where Cynthia Schoeman, managing director of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, detailed how being ethical means more than just knowing what is the right thing to do.
By Adam Wakefield
Published in Media Update
6 October 2017
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The value of business ethics
Cynthia Schoeman’s monthly ethics interview on the topic of the value of business ethics.
Interviewed by Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
28 August 2017
The value of ethics with Andrew Konig
The panel, including Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor, speaks to Andrew Konig - CEO of Redefine Properties Ltd - about his views on the value of ethics within a company such as Redefine.
Interview by Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay of The Leadership Platform on CliffCentral
28 August 2017
Are you an ‘ethics activist’?
‘Ethics activist’ is a wonder phrase coined by ethics specialist, Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor. I recently attended one of her talks and one of the things that resounded with me was that she encouraged everyone to be ethics activists.Written by Regine le Roux, MD and Founder, Reputation Matters
Published in Leadership, Edition 384 August 2017
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Workplace ethics: Business Skills Conversation
Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay speak with Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor during our monthly Ethics focus on the topic of Workplace Ethics.Interviewed by Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay on The Leadership Platform, CliffCentral
24 July 2017
Workplace ethics: SME Interview
The panel, including Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor, speak to Midvaal Executive Mayor Bongani Baloyi about how he and his team have succeeded in the Midvaal Municipality to have a clean audit report and the lowest unemployment in Gauteng.Interviewed by Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay on The Leadership Platform, CliffCentral
24 July 2017
Is there now a breakdown in ethics in South Africa?
There seems to be a breakdown of ethics in South Africa, from Eskom to Transnet and as questions hang over the Public Protector’s head on whether she acted ethically on her call for the mandate of the Reserve Bank to be changed.Interviewed by Mashudu Masutha on Closing Bell, CNBC Africa
20 July 2017
Ethics: #KeepEthics Alive
Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay speak with Cynthia Schoeman of Ethics Monitor as the panel launches a monthly feature on ethics.
Interviewed by In conversation with Richard Angus and Safiyyah Boolay on The Leadership Platform, CliffCentral
26 June 2017
Zuma weier dat ANC-hoës aan leefstyloudits onderwerp word
Interviewed by
Jhua-nine Wyrley-Birch for AfriForum
25 January 2017
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No sign of further investigation of Homix over multimillion-rand Transnet deals
Cynthia Schoeman comments on the tens of millions of rand that Neotel is said to have paid in ‘commissions’ to the letterbox company Homix to clinch deals worth R2bn from Transnet
Interviewed by Karl Gernetzky of Business Day
12 January 2017
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Auditor General’s latest report on government expenditure
Cynthia Schoeman joins us to discuss the AG’s report which reveals a 40% increase in irregular expenditure and no consequences for officials
Interviewed by Tumisang Ndlovu on Money Talk on Radio 2000
17 November 2016
PIC reveals its unlisted holdings
We focus on the Public Investment Corporation revealing its unlisted holdings for the first time following a campaign by the DA to do so. The PIC oversees R1.9 trillion. Founder & MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, Cynthia Schoeman, joins us to discuss this.
Interviewed by Tumisang Ndlovu on Money Talk on Radio 2000
19 October 2016
Is your house in order?
Interviewed by Sibongile Gura for People Dynamics, the official publication of the IPM
June 2016
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Integrity and Leading by Example
Richard Angus and The Leadership Platform panel chat on Cliff Central with Cynthia Schoeman about Integrity and Leading by Example.Interviewed by Richard Angus and The Leadership Platform panel on The Leadership Platform on Cliff Central
23 May 2016
Practical Elements of Corporate Governance in SMEs
Richard Angus and The Leadership Platform panel with Cynthia Schoeman speaks on Cliff Central to BDO Statucor MD Larey van der Westhuizen about Practical Elements of Corporate Governance in SMEs.Interviewed by Richard Angus on the Leadership Platform on Cliff Central
23 May 2016
SA Government's rising involvement in Gupta private sector affairs
Jeff Radebe, South Africa's Minister for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, caused quite a stir on Thursday when he said he had assigned three cabinet ministers to hold meetings with South Africa's big-four banks to find out why the companies cut ties with the Gupta-owned Oakbay Investments. Joining CNBC Africa to discuss the government's involvement in the private sectors' affairs of the Gupta family is Cynthia Schoeman, Managing Director of Ethics Monitoring & Management services.Interviewed by Nozipho Mbanjwa on Closing Bell, CNBC Africa
22 April 2016
Panama Papers
The 2.4 terabyte leak of documents from a Panama-based law firm has exposed the financial dealings of the rich and powerful.Interviewed by Nickolaus Bauer on eTV
4 April 2016
South Africa – a world leader in corporate governance
Old Mutual Live: podcast seriesInterviewed by Chris Gibbons
10 February 2016
When unethical behaviour is an instruction
Corruption in the workplace: Unethical behaviour as an instruction from a superior is a particularly challenging ethical problem. Who pays the price if the misconduct is uncovered? Is it the person who gave the order or the person who gave effect to the order? GUEST: Cynthia Schoeman – founder and MD of Ethic Monitor, an organisation that promotes the proactive management of workplace ethics.
Interviewed by Naledi Moleo on The Talkshop, SAfm
13 January 2016
Corporate governance
With guests Cynthia Schoeman, MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, and Kuseni Dlamini, Non-Executive Chairman Massmart HoldingsInterviewed by Bob Mabena on 180 with Bob, KayaFM
18 November 2015
Ethical leadership
The importance of leadership to curb corruption and build ethical organisations warrants that leaders are not merely ethical role models, but that they become ethics activists. Interviewed by Mark Turpin
17 November 2015
How tarnished brands redeem themselves
Questionable business practices by companies is nothing new, but what are some of the implications of such practices and what are some of the ways that big corporates can rebuild their brands when they have been tarnished and boost investor confidence? Cynthia Schoeman, the managing director of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, joins CNBC Africa for more. Interviewed by Tumisho Grater on Open Exchange, CNBC Africa
10 November 2015
Problems of corruption in South Africa
A discussion on the problems of corruption in South Africa and how proactive management and the assessment of workplace ethics can help. Interviewed by Chad Thomas on Corruption Busters on ChaiFM
26 October 2015
When is a golden handshake unethical?
When an executive leaves a company, usually for retiring, restructuring or being fired, they are often given what is called a "golden handshake" or a generous severance package. Cynthia Schoeman, MD of Ethics Monitor, joins CNBC Africa to tell us exactly what the golden handshake is actually paying for.Interviewed by Gugulethu Cele and Lindsay Williams on Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
8 June 2015
Corruption and unethical behaviour
Corruption always seems to be in the news in South Africa. From Nkandla to FIFA there seems to be some story. But what are the components of unethical behaviour that leads to corruption?
Interviewed by Michael Motsoeneng Bill on Law Report on Kaya FM
3 June 2015
The interview was not podcast by Kaya FM.
How do we deal with the culture of kickbacks in South Africa?
In the past week, soccer officials were arrested in what is now known as the Fifa saga solicited $150m in bribes and kickbacks. The culture of kickbacks is not one that’s only exclusive to soccer. The term "kickback" is used to refer to the misappropriation of funds that enriches a person of power or influence - who then uses the power or influence to make a different individual, organisation, or company richer. Often, kickbacks result from a corrupt bidding scheme, where an official awards the contract to a company, even though the company did not place the lowest bid. In exchange for this corrupt practice, the company pays the official a portion of the profits. This portion is the called the kickback. On the Forum @8 this morning we ask: How do we deal with the culture of kickbacks in South Africa? Our guests, Nompumelelo Runji, researcher, public policy analyst and an Opinions Editor at Sowetan, Cynthia Schoeman, founder and Managing Director of Ethics Monitoring and Management Services, and Nkosikhulule Nyembezi, a civic society convener of the National Anti-Corruption Forum, share their views with us.
Interviewed by Sakina Kamwendo on Forum@8 on SAfm
1 June 2015
Golden handshakes
Cynthia Schoeman, MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services unpacks the seemingly growing phenomena of golden handshakes in the country when CEO's or high ranking managers leave their employment - with the latest one being former Hawks boss, Anwa Dramat.
Interviewed by Abigail Visagie and Peter van Onselen on Vuka Africa on ANN7
21 May 2015
The interview was not podcast by ANN7. Read Cynthia Schoeman’s article on the topic, What are golden handshakes really paying for? Read on...
Networking vs. Corruption
Cynthia Schoeman, MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, addresses the topic Networking vs. Corruption. Networking has become an important aspect of modern life in recent years either in sciences or interpersonal relations…but how many of us cross that thin line between using ‘who you know’ to get ahead and being corrupt?
Interviewed by Naledi Moleo on Talk Shop on SAfm
23 February 2015
The interview was not podcast by SAfm.
2014 Corruption Perceptions Index
Cynthia Schoeman, MD of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services, discusses the results of Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, and how South Africa fared.
Interviewed by Khanyi Magubane on Talk Shop on SAfm
13 January 2015
The interview was not podcast by SAfm.
Expectations for South Africa's ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index
Tomorrow is International Anti-Corruption Day. What can we expect regarding South Africa's ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index? Cynthia Schoeman, managing director of the Ethics Monitor joins CNBC Africa for some insight.
Interviewed by Gugulethu Cele on Power Lunch, CNBC Africa
8 December 2014
PPC - Chess playing at its best
In the latest in the PPC saga, Monday's general meeting has been cancelled, executives have stepped down. Tonight, Bruce Whitfield digs deeper into the whole saga - he looks at what it means for corporate governance issues and shareholders. Joining him is Cynthia Schoeman, managing director, Ethics Monitor and Byron Lotter, portfolio manager, Vestact Asset Management
Interviewed by Bruce Whitfield on Tonight, CNBC Africa
3 December 2014
Book Review “Ethics Can”
Interviewed by Michael Avery on Classic Business, Sustainability Feature
30 October 2014
Managing ethics in business
HCI Executive Chairman Marcel Golding squared off in court on Friday with another faction in the company after he was suspended. Golding was suspended after allegedly trading in Ellies shares with company money without authorisation. To discuss the ethical side of this situation CNBC Africa is joined by Cynthia Schoeman.
Interviewed by David Williams & Tumisho Grater on Open Exchange, CNBC Africa
27 October 2014
Can you be both loyal and honest?
Honesty and loyalty are both good values, but in certain situations one must overcome the other
By Janine Erasmus
Posted on Corruption Watch
01 October 2014
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It’s not what you know, but …
Nepotism and its relatives - patronage, cronyism and cadre deployment - are harmful, corrupt practices
By Janine Erasmus
Posted on Corruption Watch
30 September 2014
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Misappropriation of funds undermining Africa's economic growth
In a 30 year period from the 1980's to now between 1.2 and 1.4 trillion US dollars left Africa in illicit financial flows, putting that number into perspective, it equated to as much as the current GDP of the continent. The figures back up the image of a corrupt continent. There certainly is money here but it is being severely misappropriated to the detriment of economic growth on the continent.
Invest Africa on CNBC Africa
28 August 2014
Good business ethics should be second nature
By Janine Erasmus
Interviewed on Corruption Watch
15 July 2014
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Pinnacle director charged with corruption
Pinnacle director Takalani Tshivhase faces a corruption charge after allegedly attempting to bribe a police official to secure a lucrative technology contract. Joining CNBC Africa for more is Cynthia Schoeman from Ethics Monitor.
Alec Hogg on Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
Thursday 27 March 2014
Transcript of the interview on
Corporate Governance & the rights of minority shareholders
In the wake of the recent Adcock Ingram/Bidvest saga, CNBC Africa looks at the rights of minority shareholders with Cynthia Schoeman, Managing Director of Ethics Monitor, Terrance Booysen, CEO of the Corporate Governance Framework Research Institute and Andrew Hannington, CEO of Grant Thornton.
Beyond Markets on CNBC Africa
Monday 24 February 2014
When governance and ethics fail
Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela recently released a report on the SABC titled, 'When Governance and Ethics fail'. Ethics Monitor, Cynthia Schoeman joins CNBC Africa for more.
Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
Tuesday, 25 Feb 2014
Why public sector corruption is more worrying than its private sector counterpart
Transcript of Alec Hogg’s interview on
Alec Hogg on Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
10 December 2013
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Can we afford the cost of corruption?
Corruption eats into the wealth of our country. Since 1994, South Africa has lost R675 billion due to corruption. The country is now ranked the 72nd most corrupt country in the world when it ranked 43 only six years ago. Cynthia Schoeman, Managing Director of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services join CNBC Africa for more.
Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
9 December 2013
SARS & Hawks probing S.Africa cell-phone giants
The South African Revenue Service and the Hawks are investigating MTN, Vodacom and Cell Cover spying claims. The three cell phone giants allegedly provided a local tobacco manufacturer with cellphone records that were apparently used to spy on SARS investigators. Joining CNBC Africa to share her views of the probe is Cynthia Schoeman, managing director of the Ethics Monitoring & Management Services.
Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
2 December 2013
Does it pay to be a psychopath?
By Jessica Hubbard
November 2013
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Classic Business interview: Fraud and Corruption
Glenn Lewington, Classic Business on Classic FM (14.57 mb)
8 October 2013
Corruption and fraud taint South Africa business
Company fraud, theft and corruption in South Africa is costing the business community over 100 billion rand per year. Cynthia Schoeman, Managing Director of Ethics Monitoring & Management Services joins ABN for more.
Power Lunch on CNBC Africa
3 October 2013
Chai FM interview: Corruption Busters
Corruption Busters on Chai FM (45.57 mb)
9 September 2013
Mega fraud
Carte Blanche interviews Cynthia Schoeman on the mega fraud uncovered following the death of Jeff Wiggill and the collapse of First Strut, trading as the First Tech Group of 20 companies, over which he presided as Chairman.
by Devi Govender on Carte Blanche
1 September 2013
How collusion pays
Finweek: Money Matters on CNBC Africa
2 August 2013
Management: The Enemy Within
Finweek: Money Matters on CNBC Africa
10 May 2013
Ethics in business
Bruce Whitfield speaks to Cynthia Schoeman about the GIBSdirect ethics course and the importance of ethics in business.
31 January 2013
Financially illiterate miner's debt shocker (part 2)
It’s a vicious cycle, you get into trouble, you need money, you borrow more money, you get into more trouble.
Interview with Alec Hogg broadcast on SAfm Market Update
Posted on Moneyweb
2 October 2012
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How ethical is your investment?
The global trend towards responsible investment (RI) means local investors need to bring themselves up to speed. How does RI affect the investment industry, and is it good for returns?
By Fiona Zerbst
Published in Invest SA
August 2012
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Ethics under attack in SA business
Interview with Alec Hogg broadcast on SAfm Market Update
Posted on Moneyweb
18 July 2012
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"I made mistakes" (Levitt)
Interview with Alec Hogg broadcast on SAfm Market Update
Posted on Moneyweb
16 April 2012
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Fault line
Are we living and working on the edge of an ethical fault line? Is unethical behaviour deeply ingrained in us – or can something be done to avert an ethical earthquake resulting in an economic tsunami?
By Kathy Malherbe
Published in Private Edition issue 14
November 2011
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Cut-price degrees, no sweat
‘Life experience degrees’ require no further study or training, only a sizeable sum of money.
By Lisa Steyn
Published in the Mail & Guardian
25 November to 1 December 2011
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Management needs to walk the ethics talk
In 2007, after a bread price-fixing scandal, Tiger Brands chief executive Nick Dennis did ‘the honourable thing’ and took early retirement.
By Stuart Graham
Published in the WBS Journal, Issue 27
November 2011
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Fraudulent qualifications - hot from the mill
Why spend years studying for a degree when you can get one from a degree mill?
By Lise Pretorius
Published in the Financial Mail
11 August 2011
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Corporate culture shock
Historically, ethics has been an integral part of social development. Today, it plays a vital role in business culture.
By Cindy Maulgue
Posted on HR Highway
6 July 2011
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Ethics in the media
Interview with Kevin Fine on the Media and Marketing Show on
Chai FM (4.57 mb)
26 July 2011
Cost of ethical failure
Interview with Chris Gibbons on the Midday Report on Talk Radio 702 (3.6 mb)
15 July 2011
The right thing
The recent news that various major South Africa construction companies were involved in anti-competitive behaviour, has highlighted the issue of ethics.
Construction World - May 2011 (pdf 2.7mb)
Workplace ethics: know your status
Workplace ethics, though hardly ever spoken of, can have a huge impact on companies.
Financial Mail - 25 March 2011 (pdf 205kb)